Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh me oh my...

I love creativity. I am longing to create again. All I've created lately are things to eat. And they are soon gone and I have nothing left to show for it. (Exept for Nicole's pictures of our apple pie... those are pretty!) I wanna start drawing again. Crocheting again. Scrapbooking again. Something.
Actually, I've been thinking about a project I want to put together. I want to make our family's memorial book of what God has done for us. I've been thinking about this for several years. Ever since Jeannette Henry told a Bible study group I was participating in about the basket of memorial stones she has. Each stone has written on it a memory of something God has done... an answered prayer, a new birth, an adoption, a special occasion... all beautiful memories designed to stimulate praise and awe at what God has done for them. I loved this idea; I wanted to make a memorial to God for my children to see, too.
Given my love of art and scrapbooking, this idea has taken on another form for me. I want to make a book. I want to include photos, art, journaling... But I need to write down our history so I can have something to build on.
I'm getting the itch. Gotta get started soon.

Lord, please get the glory! Not for me. Not for me. It's for you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oh dread. I hate seeing how long it's been since I've written anything. It hasn't been because God hasn't been teaching me anything, mind you. It's just been such a busy summer with the hip surgery and youth staff adventures and being the super blessed mommy of Henry and Jack Jack. Brent and I are so appreciative of all the prayers from our family and friends. God has blessed us more than I can express during this time. Hope you are all well too. I'm hoping to post from time to time, but we still don't have an internet connection at home other than our 3G phones. These have enabled us to respond to emails and keep up with our internet banking and facebook (which I'm taking a break from for a while). But they are not much good for composing blog posts! I laugh at the mere suggestion that my thumbs could undertake such a task! But may-haps I can figure out how to post pics to my blog from my phone. That would be a worthwhile endeavor. :)

Here are a few recent photos of my guys. We went to the Linder Farm's pumpkin patch with my girlfriend Nicole and her sweet son, Azarel. Had a blast, as you can see. Love to all my beloved, near and far!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he...

Something came to me today while I was reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I was reading about how we serve leftovers to a holy God.
Something occurred to me.
I might not be an IRS agent... believe me, that would not be a career I'd thrive in. I might not be the kind of gal to break kneecaps if my neighbors won't pay for protection. As a kid I never took anyone's milk money.
I might even venture to guess (although probably this is very hoity-toity of me to say) that most of my friends and aquaintances like me.
Despite the obvious disparity though... I'm pretty sure this is true.
I am Zacchaeus.
So you know how it went down I'm sure... "He climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see. And as the Savior passed that way, He looked up in the tree, and He said, "Zacchaeus, you come down, for I'm going to your house today!"
Stick with me, this won't take forever... so Francis Chan pointed out the story of the rich young ruler in Luke 18. The young wealthy guy comes to Jesus offering his works, and Jesus points him to the cost of discipleship: it costs everything. The rich young man turns away, not willing to pay the price.
Verse 27 says "What is impossible with man is possible with God." Then he proves it with searching out Zacchaeus.
Zacchaeus is the polar opposite of the rich young ruler for a couple reasons. He didn't keep the law. He was an enemy of God's people by serving Caesar, and because he stole from them to line his pockets. And he didn't seek out Jesus with boldness. He climbed into a tree hoping to catch a glimpse... but he sure didn't try to call attention to himself.
Henry has a story book that show Zacchaeus trying to see Jesus from the midst of the crowd and it shows the dirty looks from the good Jewish men. Not like the rich kid who probably had the respect of his peers.
Anyway, what I've always loved about this story is that Jesus saw Zacchaeus. He would have had to be looking for him. Noone else wanted to acknowledge his existence but Jesus was looking for him.
Now Francis Chan pointed out something I'd never noticed before. The two stories are juxtaposed. The rich ruler's response to Jesus is recorded in Luke 18, Zacchaeus' story is told in Luke 19. Two rich guys. One turned away. The other joyfully gave half of his money to the poor and repayed everyone he'd ever defrauded 4 times what he'd stolen. Criminy! Can you imagine? He'd be penniless after that. But that's just the point isn't it!?
Now here's the application:
Jesus looked for me. Singled me out. Pointed at me. Said "today I'm going to come stay with you!"
What am I going to do about it?
I'm rich. I live in America. We own a cute house. We have 2 dogs, 2 kids, 3 bedrooms, 2 cars, a motorcycle. For crying out loud! I'm rich. I never thought of myself that way!
It's time. I gotta start giving God more than my leftovers. I could use help as I try to figure out how to do that... as I count the cost, as scripture says. God help me!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Crowded Kitchen: Sweet Chili Pepper Chicken

I just have to give a shout out to my pal Tiffany. Her post of this recipe had me drooling in a very unselfconscious manner all over my keyboard... Sorry about that, computer.

My Crowded Kitchen: Sweet Chili Pepper Chicken: "Ingredients6 boneless skinless chicken breast, cut in chunks1 red bell pepper, sliced into strips1 red pepper, diced5 cloves garlic, smashed..."

More Thoughts on Prayer

Ummmkay... I think I read somewhere once that we are to pray without ceasing. Oh yeah. That is in God's Word... 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to be exact. You know, I think Spurgeon had it right in his comment about this verse:

It comes immediately after the precept, "Rejoice evermore;" as if that command had somewhat staggered the reader, and made him ask "How can I always rejoice?" and, therefore, the apostle appended as answer, "Always pray." The more praying the more rejoicing. Prayer gives a channel to the pent-up sorrows of the soul, they flow away, and in their stead streams of sacred delight pour into the heart.

Streams of sacred delight. Don't you LOVE that?? I think Spurgeon has something there. Always pray. Rejoice evermore. They are inextricably linked aren't they? I can't spend time in earnest prayer without feeling joyful. Refreshed. Encouraged. Humbled. (D: all of the above.)

I think what has hit me lately is that I can pray, not just about anything, but even when I don't feel like it. 'Cuz I've prayed about anything and everything for a long time now. But always when I felt like it. (Read here: inconsistently.) When I didn't think of it... well, I missed out I guess. I am making a concerted effort to be more quick to pray. When I feel like it and when I don't. I'll let you know how that goes.

I think the logical next step would be for me to start a prayer log or something. So I can try to remember all the things I'm promising to pray for. Rest assured, readers, that if you have asked me to pray for something, I have. Just, in some cases, (with much chagrin I admit) not as frequently as I would like to have done. And even if I had not, God is more gracious to you than you can imagine and would not let a crummy friend's lack of prayer hinder His sovereign will in your life.

Thanks God, for overcoming. Thanks for looking out for your Glory. Because if you had left that job up to me... I shudder to think... Thanks for caring for the shady characters. 'Cuz if you didn't, not one of us would be saved. And thanks a million times over for your Word.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Blessings

Today at church I was astonished to realize that I haven't been in the worship service for weeks. I know this was  due to serving in children's church, the boys being sick, and we were an hour late 2 weeks ago due to daylight savings (An hour late! That's a first for me!) and then there was last Sunday's fitness challenge with my work, ... Gosh, I'm embarrassed to say it has been a while. Anyway. not only did we make it, but we were on time and we got to enjoy a really amazing time of worship. We are so blessed to have Paul leading. And to have a church so chock full of stinking talent!  Henry and Jack love their classes. What more could we ask for?

I guess I am realizing I need to be more thorough in my prayer time. I am so blessed by our church, but I have been forgetting to pray for our pastoral staff and the worship leader they are trying to find. Forgive me Lord for becoming side tracked and complacent. We are so blessed with these people. Help me to pray faithfully for them. Help me to pray for the youth too! I love our kids... Help me to bless them right back.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm getting over Cold #4 now!

Okay, I may not know the cure for the common cold, but I'm telling you, when they say "pound the liquids" while you're sick, they ain't kidding. I have made a concerted effort this time to drink tons of water and to get more sleep. And I'm telling you, this is working! I started to feel sick on Saturday... just a touch of a sore throat. I am starting to feel better today. I have never been able to cut a cold to only a week! And maybe I'm just lucky. But just maybe... maybe I took care of myself a little bit better this time! Thank you Lord.

The boys are starting to feel better too. Jack and Henry are still coughing but they are starting to be expert cough-coverers. :) Jack had shots yesterday for his 18 month doctor's appointment, so he may not feel too hot today, but I think we are on the upswing.